46 research outputs found

    Análisis de los servicios gestionados por las Oficinas de Transferencia de Resultados de Investigación (OTRI) andaluzas

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    La ponencia que presentamos tiene como objetivo analizar el papel de las Oficinas de Transferencia de Resultados de Investigación (OTRI), como órgano de integración del Sistema de Ciencia, Tecnología e Industria. A continuación se realiza un análisis histórico en la Red OTRI/OTT, para pasar a describir el funcionamiento del Programa de Estimulo de Transferencia de Resultados de Investigación (PETRI), el programa de becas de intercambio de personal investigador, y la gestión de solicitudes de patentes, como servicios esenciales que dichas oficinas proporcionan. El estudio se concentra en el ámbito espacial de Andalucía y para los años 1989 al 1993

    A comparative analysis of executive information systems in organisations in South Africa and Spain

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    Executive Information Systems (EIS) grew out of the information needs of executives and are designed to serve the needs of users in strategic planning and decision-making. EIS are high risk information technology (IT) implementation projects. With the emergence of global information technologies, existing paradigms are being altered which are spawning new considerations for IT implementation. Web-based technologies are causing a revisit to existing IT implementation models, including those for EIS. The authors compare two recent survey studies of EIS implementation in well-established organisations in South Africa and Spain. From a comparative analysis, the authors report six identified similarities and three differences in EIS in these countries

    Web Acceptance and Usage Model: A Comparison between Goal-directed and Experiential Web Users

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    In this paper we analyse the Web acceptance and usage between goal-directed users and experiential users, incorporating intrinsic motives to improve the particular and explanatory TAM value –traditionally related to extrinsic motives-. A field study was conducted to validate measures used to operationalize model variables and to test the hypothesised network of relationships. The data analysis method used was Partial Least Squares (PLS).The empirical results provided strong support for the hypotheses, highlighting the roles of flow, ease of use and usefulness in determining the actual use of the Web among experiential and goal-directed users. In contrast with previous research that suggests that flow would be more likely to occur during experiential activities than goal-directed activities, we found clear evidence of flow for goal-directed activities. In particular the study findings indicate that flow might play a powerfulrole in determining the attitude towards usage,intention to useand, in turn,actual Web use among experiential and goal-directed users

    Desarrollo regional y estructura de capital de las PYME

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    This article studies the influence of regional institutional environment, measured as regional development, on capital structure of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Furthermore, the standard firm-factor determinants and the business sector of the firm are also incorporated. To this end, a sample of 6,560 Spanish firms for 2007 is analysed, where all regions of Spain and all sectors, except the financial sector, are considered. Spain provides a suitable and unexplored laboratory for the analysis of regional differences in the financial structure of SMEs, since, on the one hand, SMEs constitute the most relevant firms in this country, and on the other hand, Spain shows regional disparities at various levels. Moreover, the empirical analysis uses Partial Least Squares (PLS), a variance-based structural equation modelling (SEM). In this respect, PLS has several clear advantages to multiple linear regression (MLR). Thanks to this study, how each of these factors explains the variation in the capital structure could be shown. Moreover, the results show that although firm factors and the business sector explain a large proportion of the variance of capital structure of SMEs, it is important to take into account the regional institutional environment to better ascertain the level of debt of SMEs in a single country.Este artículo estudia la influencia del entorno institucional regional, medido a través del desarrollo regional, en la estructura de capital de las pequeñas y medianas empresas (PYME). Además, este estudio también considera los factores de empresa clásicos determinantes de las decisiones de financiación y el sector de actividad de la empresa. Para el análisis empírico, se toma una muestra de 6.560 PYME españolas donde todas las regiones de España y todos los sectores, excepto el financiero, son considerados. España ofrece un laboratorio adecuado e inexplorado para el análisis de las diferencias regionales en la estructura financiera de las PYME, ya que, por una parte, las PYME son las empresas más preponderantes en el mismo y por otro lado, España muestra diferencias regionales a varios niveles. Como metodología se utiliza un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales basado en la varianza (Partial Least Squares-PLS). A este respecto, PLS ofrece una serie de ventajas claras sobre el análisis de regresión lineal múltiple. Gracias a este estudio, se ha podido identificar cómo cada una de las variables analizadas explica la variación en la estructura de capital. Además, los resultados muestran que aunque los factores de empresa y el sector de actividad explican una gran proporción de la varianza de la estructura de capital de las PYME, es importante tener en cuenta el entorno institucional regional para determinar mejor el nivel de deuda de las PYME en un país determinado

    El efecto moderador del aprendizaje relacional en el vínculo PACAP-RACAP. Un estudio en el sector español de fabricantes de componentes para la automoción

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    Starting from the construct absorptive capacity (ACAP), this paper adopts Zahra and George (2002) con-ceptualization of absorptive capacity, which considers it as two subsets – potential absorptive capacity(PACAP) and realized absorptive capacity (RACAP). Hence we have hypothesized a positive relationshipbetween PACAP and RACAP. We also hypothesized a positive relationship between relational learning(RL) and RACAP. Finally we have assessed the moderating role of RL in the PACAP–RACAP link. Data werecollected from a sample of 110 firms belonging to the Spanish automotive components manufacturingsector. Results from a variance-based structural equation-modeling tool show that RL moderates (rein-forces) the influence of PACAP on RACAP. In addition this paper provides evidence about the importantrole that RL plays as antecedent of RACAPPartiendo del constructo capacidad de absorción (ACAP), este trabajo adopta el concepto de capacidadde absorción propuesto por Zahra y George (2002), que lo conciben como un concepto compuesto pordos – capacidad de absorción potencial (PACAP) y capacidad de absorción realizada (RACAP) – De ahí quehayamos hipotetizado una relación positiva entre PACAP y RACAP. Asimismo hemos hipotetizado unarelación positiva entre el aprendizaje relacional (RL) y RACAP. Finalmente hemos analizado el rol mode-rador del RL sobre el vínculo PACAP-RACAP. Los datos fueron obtenidos de una muestra de 110 empresaspertenecientes al sector espa˜nol de fabricantes de componentes para la automoción. Los resultados arro-jados por una técnica de modelos de ecuaciones estructurales basados en la varianza muestran que el RLmodera (reforzando) la influencia de PACAP sobre RACAP. Además este estudio proporciona evidenciaempírica sobre el importante papel que desempe˜na el RL como antecedente de RACA

    Elementos, requisitos y directrices para la gestión de la información como un recurso de la organización

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    To set a general frame in which to design the tools necessary to turn information from a trouble-making element into a useful one in decision-taking, we shall analyse here the external and internal particular frames in which information management presents itself, as well as the necessity to adopt a new focus that allows us to manage such information in a way consistent with current demands. We shall deal with several definitions, particularly that of the so-called "Information Resources Management" (IRM), first focusing our attention on the idea of "Information as resource" and then turning to those elements that configure the set of what we call here "Supporting resources". We propose then some requirements and guide-lines to set an Information Management programme, finishing with some advantages derived from its implementation

    Aplicando en la práctica la técnica pls en la administración de empresas

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    En este trabajo nos planteamos resolver la casuística práctica con la que los investigadores de administración de empresas se encuentran cuando deciden utilizar la técnica PLS en sus investigaciones. En este trabajo tratamos de responder a cuestiones tales como: ¿Cuándo trabajar con PLS en lugar de LISREL? ¿Por qué utilizar PLS? ¿Qué permite PLS que otros métodos de MEE no? ¿Cómo trabajar con PLS en la práctica? ¿Qué modelos se pueden estimar con PLS? La respuesta a todas estas cuestiones es el objeto principal de este trabajo y son fruto de la investigación, de la práctica diaria con la técnica en los últimos cinco años y de las cuestiones que muchos investigadores de otras universidades han ido plateando a los autores

    Knowledge Management and the Effectiveness of Innovation Outcomes: The Role of Cultural Barriers

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    In this paper we propose a conceptual model to test the moderating effect of cultural barriers on the link between knowledge strategies and innovation using healthcare organizations. In order to study the tie (knowledge-innovation) and the effects of the moderating variable (cultural barriers), the resource-based view is followed. It has been generally accepted that both explicit and tacit knowledge play a basic role in organizational innovation. However, there are few research works that study the relationship between knowledge management strategy and the effectiveness of the innovation process. On the other hand, the extant research on this relationship has yielded inconclusive results. Our paper revisits this research topic based on data of knowledge management strategy, Knowledge base, cultural barriers and innovation outcomes from a sample of Spanish hospitals

    Do tolerant societies demand better institutions?

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    The increasing ethnic heterogeneity that many societies are experiencing could be interpreted as a detrimental phenomenon, since empirical literature exists that indicates that higher levels of ethnic fractionalization induce higher levels of corruption. This paper aims to show the role of tolerance in overcoming this harmful effect of ethnic heterogeneity. To this end, a sample of 86 countries is tested for a positive association between ethnic fractionalization and corruption. It is then shown that tolerance offsets this effect through both direct and indirect effects on corruption. In order to analyse the indirect effects, the level of income and the freedom of the press are selected as channels, since these represent two determinants of corruption that are linked to tolerance. Moreover, tolerance and corruption have been modelled as composites. Consequently, Partial Least Squares path modelling (PLS-PM) has been used. For our sample, an index of tolerance towards immigrants and people of different race and an index of corruption are constructed, for which several sources are jointly utilised. Our results appear to indicate that the adverse effect of ethnic fractionalization on corruption is offset by tolerance, which reduces corruption not only directly but also indirectly through the level of income and the freedom of the press